I'm gonna show you how to use the Yoast SEO plugin so for those of you who are unfamiliar with Yoast SEO it's essentially a wordpress plugin that helps you optimize your website's on-page SEO so it's a must-have plug-in for anyone using WordPress because on-page SEO is an important factor when you want to rank keywords in the search engines so for example when google actually scans your website they want to find keywords titles descriptions your URL structure they want your keywords to actually appear on the website and that way they can determine whether or not your web page is actually relevant to what the user is actually searching for so your SEO will actually help you by providing a live checklist that you can actually go through which ensures that the best practices are followed for each of your pages and your post so in this video I'm going to be showing you a real example of how I do it from installing the plug-in and setting it up and also optimizing a post so if you want to learn like keyword research on page SEO and also off page SEO I have a full SEO tutorial which I'll link down below in the description so without much further ado let's get started so log in to your WordPress account and log in to your dashboard section so we want to first install the plug-in so hover over plugins and click on add new and here on the right you want to search for Yoast and then click on enter okay it should be the first result here called Yoast SEO with over five million active installations and as you can see it's a really popular and really good plug-in so we're gonna click on install now and activate the plug-in okay sir here is your Yoast SEO on the left so you can click on general so if your first time using the Yoast SEO you can actually click on configuration wizard so I'm gonna go through this with you so click on that ok click on configure and here ok so what you choose here is if your website is live and ready to be indexed so basically you're ready to have Google scan your website and actually index your pages on the Google search.
Then click
on option a if it's under construction still then you can select this one here
ok so if you actually finish building your website then you probably need to
turn on and make sure that it is set to this one here again click on next this
one is a sort of a blog and a website so I'm gonna select blog and then click
on next I'm gonna select a company name of company I'm just gonna put my name
and here you can insert a company logo by choosing image I'm gonna just click
on next so here you can enter in your Facebook page or your Instagram URL your
Twitter URL you can put this all here ok so I'm not gonna be walking through
that that's pretty easy to do so click on next so here you want to make sure
that you allow the search engines to index your post and pages so those are the
most important and if you've actually got like WooCommerce installed you want
to make sure that the products also selected on yes but sometimes depending on
your theme you might have like different sections like for this theme you have
layouts as well because we can actually import demo layouts and I actually
don't want that to show in the search engine ok so I don't want that to show
the layout parts but you want to make sure your pages posts and products are
definitely selected on yes click on next so here I'm gonna choose no okay so
this is best to choose no because you want to prevent your author archives from
actually showing and if it actually shows that it might actually have duplicate
content issues so duplicate content means like you've got the same content and
that way Google doesn't actually know you know which page to actually rank and
sometimes that causes issues what I recommend is selecting no and then click on
next so here you want to connect it to the Google search console okay so here
it's a must-have tool for your website it shows the health of your website but
also it shows like what keywords people actually searching for when they
actually click on your website so it gives you some data and you want to
connect that to your website.
what you
can do is go to Google and maybe type in Google search console and he don't
enter so if you don't have an account you probably need to create an account
and you can click on start now and I've already got an account but you might
need to fill in some basic information and once you've actually done that then
you can actually add in a property okay so this is the new layout okay click on
the left here okay I think you can close that click on that add property ok you
want to select the second one URL prefix alright and you want to grab your URL
okay from the top and paste that in and then click on continue so once you've
actually done that then you actually need to verify the ownership of it so
right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on done for now and we're gonna
configure it later because we need to set this up first so we're gonna click on
get authorization code and we need to actually login to our accounts we're
gonna allow ok we're gonna click the code here and paste it into here we're
gonna authenticate okay so that's going to connect the Yoast SEO to your Google
search console and we want to select the profile so we want to add in the one
that we just created okay inspired mo dot site and then click on next here is
your title settings so you want to put in a website name this could be probably
your brand name okay so name of brand I would say like name of brand and your
title separator this basically is this thing here okay so as you can see this
is the title and then you've got the separator this separator is just a line so
it really depends on what you want to show you can pick this one if you want to
and click on next so here you can sign up for the newsletter if you want to but
I'm just going to click on next and you can also upgrade to yours premium
they've also got some SEO training but I'm gonna click on next okay so now that
we have configured it we want to close okay so that's going to take us here again
what you want to do is click on webmaster tools and we want to get the google
verification code so we want to go back here okay and click here let's look for
our new property which is not verified which should be on the bottom click on
it now what you want to do is you want to click on the HTML tag option and then
just select all of it right click and copy that to your clipboard go back to
your website and paste in the code yeah just control-v or command-v and paste
that in click on Save Changes so as you can see your.
automatically removes the stuff in front so it's only going to take the code
here so once you've actually done that you want to go back to search console
and click on verify and that has verified so basically it's inserted the code
onto your website and Google search console sort of scans your website for that
code and that way it verifies your ownership of that side right and just click
on done okay so we finished configuring the wizard now what I'm going to show
you is how to optimize a post using the Yoast SEO plugin so if you actually
want to optimize your pages it pretty much follows the same process as I'm
about to show you for the posts for this example I'm gonna show you how to
optimize a blog post so click on blog post and I'm gonna add a new blog post
I've already created an article which I just typed up really quickly and I'm
gonna show you how to basically post it in okay so I'm gonna copy the title and
I'm gonna paste the title up here this thing here is actually not part of
WordPress but it's actually part of the theme that I'm using which is the
themify ultra this is the themify builder so what I'm actually gonna do with
the themify builder is I'm actually gonna delete it first alright so if you
hover over it on the top left you can actually remove the block okay so if
you're actually using themify then you can just remove it for now we want to
add the text in to the actual WordPress editor this is the new Guttenberg
content editor I'm pretty new to it but we'll give it a go what gonna do is I'm
just gonna copy the text okay so what I recommend you guys do if you're writing
a blog post is to actually just type it up on Google Docs first and then add it
in later to your WordPress so it's going to paste that in all right so I'm
gonna paste it in and it's looking pretty good okay if you actually scrolled
down okay you'll see Yoast SEO here is basically a snippet preview so this is
what actually shows up on the search results okay so it gives you a complete
preview of what it will look like in the search results which is really really
cool what we're gonna do is first add the focus key phrase.
I'm gonna
click on focus key phrase and enter in the keyword that you're actually
targeting for that specific page specifically I'm gonna type in how to make
money online okay so that's my main target keyword again if you actually want
to follow a complete SEO tutorial which includes keyword research on page
optimization and off page make sure to check out the SEO tutorial down below I
go through really in-depth on how to actually find keywords especially for like
local businesses or if you're a blog or e-commerce website as well what I'm
gonna do is once you've actually pasted that in is you can click on edit
snippet and here is your SEO title here by default I'm gonna leave that as is
that's pretty good for the slug this is basically your sort of the name after
the the URL so let's just say we type in the truth about making money online
something like that okay so as you can see if we go here that's your slug okay
so I'm gonna type that in the truth about making money online and I'm gonna put
in a meta description so I typed one up before copy that and paste that in as
you can see I've included how to make money online within the meta description
they've actually scroll down here okay once you actually put in the focus key
phrase the Yoast SEO will actually analyze the content that you pasted in here
for the actual focus keyword basically shows you the problems and basically I'm
going to show you how to fix these problems these ones are already good okay so
if you don't because your articles going to be different then you might need to
fix these ones but I'm going to show you a few examples of how I fix these and
then you guys can actually work through your own article arm at your own pace
so we're gonna do some internal links first right so internal links are
basically links that sort of link to another page or another post on your
website and how to do that is let's say for example we will link this text here
which one okay how to market your services right so select the text and here
you want to click on the link okay.
Here you
can type in how to this really depends on what your other post title is so you
want to search for your post title here and then you'll actually show up here
if you're actually unsure then what you can do is right click and open the all
your post okay so you can see all your titles that you have and then you can
actually search there what I like to do is if it's actual internal link then I
keep it so it actually opens in the same tab if it's an external link I
normally open it in a new tab alright so this is an internal link I'm gonna
keep it as is and then you want to click on the apply button and that adds a
link right so if you scroll down here you'll see that problem is gone the key
phrase density this is how many times your key word actually appears in your
content the percentage of it as you can see it is quite low we want to add a
little bit more of the same keyword within the article itself so what I
recommend you do is to try to work it in your article naturally you don't
really want you added in where it doesn't actually make sense right so what
we're gonna do is let's try to add it in okay so once you have a skill you can
leverage that knowledge to make money on that so that makes sense I think so
we're gonna scroll down and that is gone another problem is the image alt
attributes no images on peer on the page okay so adding images is really good
for your blog post because it sort of breaks it up and it makes a little bit
more interesting so I'm gonna add an image to add an image I'm just gonna add
it here okay click on add block and then you can click on image and you can
click on media library okay so if you uploaded the image already they can
select it from here if you haven't then upload files from your computer alright
so I'm gonna add this one here and what I've actually done is before I uploaded
the image i've actually named the image i've named it to something relevant for
example freelancer laptop and you can add in the alt text here if you want to
or you can actually select the image here and add the alt text into here what
I'm gonna do is type in for the alt text make money from home okay something
like that something that's related because Google actually scans your website
but sometimes they can't really understand sort of what image you have the alt
text will basically help them understand all right so I've actually go down
that's hopefully that is gone okay so that's gone as you can see this is really
really awesome because he can work through all of these and it helps optimize
your website how bound links is basically links linking to an external link so
something different from your own domain what we're gonna do is link
two-and-a-half-hour link so here I'm gonna link to Amazon okay so I'm gonna
grab the Amazon link and then I'm gonna click on this and paste the link in
here I'm gonna open the link in a new tab okay because I sort of want to make
sure that people stay on my website right if people click on Amazon and it goes
straight to Amazon they might be unlikely to come back any more so you want
them to sort of stay on your website and open an external sites in a new tab
all right click on apply and then scroll down that's gone this one's looking
for key phrase in the subheading so we're gonna look at the subheadings that I
have this one's been to be a heading so I'm gonna select the text here and I'm
gonna change it to heading heading two but there's a better way to make money
online right scroll down that's done this one is slug stop words so if you want
to understand what stop words are then you can click on this okay so Yoast is
really really awesome.
Click on it
and it'll actually link you to a wikipedia page to help you understand so what
we're gonna do is remove the stop word I think the might be a stop word and I
think about is a stop words so we're gonna do that okay so as you can see just
follow the checklist and make sure these are all green you don't really have to
make sure that every single one of them is green but most of them make sure
it's done and then you have pretty much optimized all the on-page elements that
you can hear if you actually click on cornerstone content this is basically if you
actually tick it off then Yoast will sort of help you optimize the most
important articles on your website so you can learn more by clicking on here
this one is just a simple article so I'm not gonna select that but if you have
like a really really in-depth article you want to make it sort of your your
main piece of content for your website then you want to turn it on right so
what we're gonna do is actually go to click on document there so to add in a
category you can select add a category I've already added one so I'm gonna
select online business you can add in tags which you if you want to but I don't
think it's really necessary click on featured image set in a featured image
that makes it look a lot nicer and click on select and once that is done click
on publish to view that post you can click on View Post so this is the article
fully optimized on page for Google and other search engines as well.