14 things happen to your body when you quit smoking it's no easy feat considering only four to seven percent of people are estimated to be able to quit successfully without any medical help but for those making a good go of it what can you expect to happen to you will you really be able to notice the difference yes as it turns out here are 14 things that will happen to your body when you stop smoking first you'll feel the effects within 20 minutes your blood pressure and heart rate will decrease within 20 minutes and according to this British Medical Journal study the heart rate will have returned to completely normal levels after 30 minutes in total number two after three days you'll be breathing easier in the first 48 hours the National Health Services in the United Kingdom says your body starts clearing out mucus and other debris that gets into your lungs from smoking your bronchial tubes will also start to relax making breathing feel a little bit easier number three the lungs will start to self heal just hours after quitting smoking today expect that your lungs will be more than happy to repair themselves and save you from the danger of cancer and other serious diseases that it's likely to affect in two weeks your lungs could have removed a considerable amount of tar and toxins brought on by smoking number four your blood pressure goes down according to the American Cancer Society a smokers blood pressure goes down just after 20 minutes of quitting smoking imagine.

How stable your BP will be in just two weeks of not smoking number five oxygen flow is restored the flow of oxygen which is controlled by blood circulation is a critical biological process that when disrupted could lead to serious health conditions such as heart attack and stroke the toxins from smoking block the oxygen from passing through the veins and reaching the brain after several hours of quitting smoking you will notice a great improvement in your breathing within two weeks the flow of oxygen in your body will have gone back to normal number six you'll start to feel more awake the increase in oxygen in your blood and better circulation will have many visible benefits such as better skin your productivity will probably increase too as you will feel less tired and have better concentration after 2 to 12 weeks so the collectivity will feel much easier according to the NHS number seven you might have a higher sex drive studies have shown that nicotine can have a serious impact on your sex drive these studies in 2008 on men and women reveal that nicotine inhibits the body's physiological sexual responses so don't be surprised if suddenly your body is far more ready to go when you're trying to get it on number eight carbon monoxide leads the body carbon monoxide is a very dangerous compound that takes the place of oxygen in your body that's why smokers are continually tired lethargic and depleted of energy but within a few hours after quitting this chemical leaves your body and it's replaced with pure clean oxygen which in turn increases energy levels within the body number 9 body odor improves smokers don't normally realize.
14 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Smoking (Don’t Avoid)
This but their outer stinks sorry for being so blunt that that's the grim reality of it this foul odor is due to some chemical compounds that when burnt leave an unpleasant smell in the skin clothes and breath as the body detoxifies the bad smell will go away number 10 the health of skin improved smoking prevents the nutrients from the blood to reach the skin leaving it dry wrinkled and ugly after two weeks of quitting smoking however the skin starts to revive its natural youthful glow number eleven your sense of taste and smell will get better some nicotine stays on your tongue teeth and lips which hinder you from experiencing the real taste of the food you eat that's why many smokers have a high taste preference like too much salt or cannot sleep even a sense of smell is affected by smoking within two weeks of not letting up you will enjoy your meals more and your perfume or cologne as well number 12 you'll cause a bit more paradoxically people find that they caught a little more right after they stop smoking but that's natural number 13 your breasts will thank you believe it or not smoking even affects how your breasts look the chemicals in cigarettes cause skin to sag and lose elast to City and tone and this can cause sagging of the upper arms and breasts quitting smoking will not only help your breasts look better but it will also keep them healthy number 14 you'll feel happier smoking may have been your stress release but this might be hard to believe science says you'll be in a better place mentally when you quit if you liked this video please do like and share it